DVA has advised us of courses available annually. Please note; this is a DVA run program, and TPI are advertising as a service to our members, no responsibility will be taken by TPI for changes to the courses. The web address is: ATDP
Be aware: Dates may change, details will be confirmed closer to the events
It is possible to provide veterans attending ATDP courses with parking vouchers for a specific Perth car park. Please indicate your need for a ticket to the ATDP Administration Officer prior to attending the course. Car park tickets will then be issued to members during the ATDP course. CONDITIONS APPLY
Partners Of Veterans is now incorporated in WA. TPI has assisted and encouraged this organisation and we congratulate it on its efforts. We recommend that your wives/partners give consideration to joining this very dedicated group.
Veterans are at the forefront of a program aimed to raise awareness of men’s health issues by encouraging veterans in the community, to be responsible for managing their own health and wellbeing.
The Men’s Health Peer Education Programme, sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs through the Federal Government, now has volunteer facilitators working to introduce their mates to the benefits of adopting a healthier lifestyle. If you are interested in coming along to a meeting or if you just want to talk to someone, this is your chance to help yourself or your mates.
When in the Armed Forces, we stayed healthy because our lives depended on it. That hasn’t changed. Staying healthy is probably more important, now that we are getting older.
Returned and ex-service veterans and their families can find out more from the Men’s Health Peer Education website at www.dva.gov.au/health/menshealth or by contacting facilitators: Volunteers Lester Leaman (08) 9359 2969, Phil Quartermaine (08) 9454 5065 or Nick Maher: Men’s Health Educator Program Coordinator, DVA 133254. VETERANS PROMOTING HEALTHY LIFESTYLES FOR VETERANS
The VVCS Heart Health Program is a program designed for all Vietnam Veterans who wish to:
- Have a good laugh while getting fit
- Increase heart health through regular exercise
- Learn and establish healthier and sustainable lifestyle modifications
- Experience and enjoy a variety of physical activities
- (this is not only a gym-based program) and
- Form new friendships and benefit from the camaraderie experienced with other veterans.
The Heart Health Program is conducted over 48 weeks with groups consisting of between 10 and 15 participants. The program is free for all participants. However, transport entitlements are not payable. The program is available throughout many regions in Western Australia.
The program is contracted to Wellness by Design who ensure only suitably qualified and experienced professionals conduct the program.
For further information, please phone Leisa Thompson or Lorraine Underwood at the VVCS (08) 9481 1955. Country callers can call toll free on 1800 011 046