The History of TPI
The first Federal body representing State and Territory TPI organisations was formed prior to 1941. This page describes the emergence of the TPI Federation over the following decades.
The first Federation Body representing State and Territory TPI Organisations was formed prior to 1941 and by 1942 had become known as the Federal Council.
In 1952 this body changed its name to The Commonwealth Council of Totally and Permanently Disabled Soldiers Association. This Council continued to exist until March 1979 when four States withdrew from it (New South Wales, Tasmania, Queensland and Western Australia) and formed The TPI Federation of Australia.
This was the beginning of today’s The Australian Federation of Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Ex Servicemen and Women. The Federation was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee on the 5th of March 1984.
The South Australian and Australian Capitol Territory Associations withdrew from the Council and joined the Federation in 1985. The Victorian Association followed suit and withdrew from the Council and joined the Federation in July 1979. The Northern Territory Association, which was formed in 1988, also joined the Federation around that time. The Northern Territory Association disbanded in March 2015. Thus since 1988 The Australian Federation of Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Ex servicemen and Women has combined all State and Territory Associations, and has represented those bodies since.
Since the Federation has been incorporated it has been dedicated to a single purpose in building better lives for Australia’s disabled Veterans and their Families. Our faith in that mission has required the Federation to respond in a creative and flexible way to the changing and sometimes unpredictable problems and difficulties faced by disabled Veterans. Today’s environment presents a unique set of challenges to which the Federation must respond particularly with the changing needs of an ageing Veteran population. These changing needs will require adaptation by both the TPI Federation and the Government; a Government increasingly cost cutting and led largely by Politicians with no Military experience and little passion for Veterans issues.
The Federation is your voice to the Government through the submissions that are forwarded to the Minister for Veterans Affairs as well as participating on a number of Committees at the National and State/Territory level with your best interests in mind.