TPI Membership
Information about becoming a Member of TPI State/Territory Association.
Becoming A Member
Becoming a Member of your State/Territory TPI Association has many benefits for you and your family through generous concessions gained for you by either the TPI Federation or the State/Territory Associations. Nationally this includes concessional travel via the Great Southern Railways as well as Fleet Discounts on new/used motor vehicles as well as a host of other National & Local Government concessions and benefits, which will be outlined, to you when joining your appropriate State/Territory Association.
Additionally as a member of the Australian TPI Federation all State/Territory Associations has an equal voice in the preparation of and submissions to the Federal Government on issues of concern to all TPI’s. The Australian TPI Federation also has representation on a number of Federal Government Committees that deal with matters relevant to Veteran issues and all determinations from these are forwarded to all State/Territory bodies for dissemination to all their TPI Members.
Your State/Territory Association is a one-stop shop when seeking information on welfare matters and Veterans entitlements.
How Do I Join
Contact the TPI Association in your State/Territory Association and they will arrange for you to join after filling in the Application Form, which is available from their office.
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