TPI federation

TPI Federation

Welcome to the official Website of the Australian Federation of Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Ex Servicemen and Women Ltd. (Incorporated in the ACT) which is a Non-Political, Non-Sectarian Ex-Service Organisation.

Our website has been designed to provide information and communication for Ex Service Personnel who are eligible for, and granted, or in receipt, of the Totally & Permanently Incapacitated Compensation (TPI’s) or Special Rate (SR) payments referred to in Section 24 of the Veterans Entitlements Act (VEA) 1986 (as amended) or the Military Rehabilitation Compensation Act (MRCA) 2004 as determined by the Department for Veterans Affairs.

2024 NATIONAL TPI Congresses.

Date: 26-28 March 2025.

Date: 10-12 September 2025.

Where: Mercure on Limestone, Limestone Ave, Canberra, ACT.

Contact your State/Territory TPI Association

for the Observer Application for either Meeting.






Becoming A Member

Becoming a Member of your State/Territory TPI Association has many benefits for you and your family through generous concessions gained for you by either the TPI Federation or the State/Territory Associations.

Nationally this includes concessional travel via the Great Southern Railways as well as Fleet Discounts on new/used motor vehicles as well as a host of other National & Local Government concessions and benefits, which will be outlined, to you when joining your appropriate State/Territory Association.

The Australian TPI Federation also has representation on a number of Federal Government Committees that deal with matters relevant to Veteran issues and all determinations from these are forwarded to all State/Territory bodies for dissemination to all their TPI Members.

TPI Federation of Australia

Australian Federation of Totally & Permanently Incapacitated Ex-Servicemen & Women providing Information and assistance for all Special Rate and TPIs.
TPI Federation of Australia
TPI Federation of Australia
Today the Senate advised the closing date for the submissions to the Senate Inquiry is 31st July 2024.

Can I ask that you, too, consider sending something similar to all MPs and Senators and your local Members specifically.

Tonight I have sent emails to all APH Members, Senators and the ESORT Members the following text –
“Fellow ESORT Members

The TPI Federation has today sent the text below to all MPs and Senators. A request was also sent to the FAD&T requesting an extension of time for submissions for this most important Inquiry.

It is request that if you, too, feel the same that a similar email be sent to the FAD&T and/or all Members and Senators. If it will help, attached is a listing of the email addresses for this to be done.

Will you support the Veteran community on this?

“On 28th February 2024 the DVA Minister, Matt Keogh MP, released the Government's proposal to simplify veterans' legislation with the Draft Veterans’ Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill.

Submissions for this draft Bill closed on 28th April 2024. Veterans complained that a mere 8 weeks to construct and produce a proposed submission to address this Bill was deemed to be too small a period and inconclusive for full consultation with the greater Veteran Community. As a result the DVA Minister confirmed that full consideration of the Bill would be provided with the then possible Senate Inquiry.

The Bill was then tabled in the Lower House on the 3rd July 2024. On the 4th July 2024 the Senate referred the Bill to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee called for submissions with a report to be tabled by 3rd October 2024. This Senate Inquiry has now been called and submissions for that Inquiry have been called as of today.

Today 10th July 2024, advice has been received that submissions for this Senate Inquiry are to close by 31st July 2024.

The Bill, if passed, will not begin until 1 July 2026. What is the hurry to quieten the voices of the Veteran Community as quickly as possible.

A mere 3 weeks to consult with the Veteran Community and then compile and produce a suitable submission for a 324 page Bill along with a 115 page Explanatory Memorandum while trying to do justice to the Veteran community to address all their needs and concerns is an enormous ask of a volunteer community. The Government has taken 7 months to get to this stage – from the draft Bill to the Senate Inquiry stage – of this Bill, but volunteers are demanded, by Government, to have submissions deposited to the Inquiry in 3 weeks’ timeframe.

The DVA Minister assured the Veteran Community that true consultation would be held on this important piece of Legislation with the Senate Inquiry. This has not happened. Will the Minister, again, assure the Veteran Community that their voices have been heard?

The TPI Federation asks all Members and Senators to urge the DVA Minister to extend the submission period for this most important Bill. Even an 8 week timeframe would be insufficient but it is definitely better than the current 3 week timeframe. Will you support the Veteran Community to obtain an extension of time for submissions to at least 31 August 2024?”
TPI Federation of Australia
TPI Federation of Australia
You may have noticed on the front page of the April 2024 issue of VetAffairs that there is an article from the DVA Secretary.

This article is provided for the information of all Veterans and your families.